Didgahan Novin



Processing and Packaging of Dates’s Feasibility Study

Processing and Packaging of Dates’s Feasibility Study for NAFIS TALAEE co. in the Dates and its products of Food Industeries industry, Location in Qom, Qom

Title: Processing and Packaging of Dates


Products/Services: Dates and its products

Industry: Food Industeries

Location: Qom, Qom

Date: Jan., 2019

Business Analysis & Development Dep.

Didgahan Novin Financial Advisor

New Media
Jan 2, 2019 21:00
Number of visit : 1,225
Keywords: Processing and Packaging of Dates, Feasibility Study, NAFIS TALAEE, Business Plan, F.S, Dates and its products, Iran, Qom, Qom, Financial Advisor, Investment Consultant, Novin, Didgahan Novin, Didgah


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